Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 33's cardio kicked my butt (literally) this morning. I'm glad I get a break from her tomorrow. I'll probably head out for a walk tomorrow morning before it climbs to the 90's!

So, I did well eating my usual oatmeal for lunch and we made some chicken and veggies for lunch. for dinner, Eric and I headed to Outback Steakhouse-we had a gift card (thanks mom and dad!) Again, before I went, I chose what I was going to order based on the nutrition info I found online. I decided on the 6 oz sirloin with a house salad and garlic mashed potatoes, knowing I'd only eat about half of the sirloin and potatoes. I did share some of the Bloomin' Onion with Eric and REALLY had to use mind over matter to stop eating it! But, I did. So, my dinner, without the Bloomin' Onion added in, was 500 calories (add a couple hundred more for the onion...) So, my calories for the day were still around 1500-not too shabby for a Saturday.

Tomorrow's a new day and I'm looking forward to Monday's measurements-feel like I've lost a few more inches this week!

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